About Chabad GW
Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. It is considered to be the most dynamic force in Jewish life today.
About Chabad GW
Ever since this program began in the early 90's, ChabadGW has brought vibrant, creative and engaging Jewish activities to the campus of The George Washington University, one of the largest Jewish student communities, comprising 3,000+ undergraduate and over 1,000 Graduate students.
We are GW's official affiliate of Chabad on Campus International, and a project of American Friends of Lubavitch (Chabad) - the representative in our nation's capital of the international Chabad-Lubavitch movement - the largest Jewish educational and social service network in the world, with over 4,000 centers in all 50 states and more than 100 countries. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory, inspired this Jewish phenomenon and spearheaded its development.
Join our listserve by clicking here, and receive updates and special opportunities to engage in and enhance Jewish life at GW. Explore our site and get involved, on whatever level works for you. We're delighted to have you join us as we continue to help build the GW Jewish community.
Our Philosophy​
Chabad GW is based on the ethos of Chabad-Lubavitch, which has at its foundation the encompassing mitzvah "to love every Jew as one loves themselves" and to permeate that love with practical and meaningful Mitzvahs - (good deeds or acts of kindness).
Every individual Jew has their very own "pinteleh yid" (Jewish spark) and an indispensable contribution to make to the totality of the Jewish people.
At Chabad GW, we seek to engage fellow Jews - as they are and at their own pace and comfort level, regardless of prior affiliation - through innovative educational programs and engaging activities in all areas of Jewish life.
Our Mission
We are...
An open center for prayer and study, where one can gain deeper understanding and appreciation of their Jewish heritage.
A partnership between students, faculty and staff to help create great Award-winning student programming, plan social action and community projects, raise women's issues, promote health awareness activities and offer many volunteer opportunities.
A community for all Jewish students, with unique VIP and NewsMaker events, ChabadGW offers great opportunities to help them expand their experiences in all aspects of their college career.
Who we are
We at Chabad GW strive to facilitate the needs of the GW Jewish Student body.
Our core belief is that every Jew should have their own opportunity to experience a Jewishly enriched life on campus, with a non-judgmental and welcoming approach.
As we plan our programs and develop classes and activities, we welcome and encourage your input and suggestions. Chabad GW is designed with you in mind, consider it your "home away from home" - Join us for our signature Shabbat Dinner, or drop us a line about your personal interests.
Looking forward to meeting you in person,
Rabbi Levi & Nechama Shemtov
and the ChabadGW Team