
High Holidays
RSVP Below for
High Holidays
Sign up here to join us for the High Holidays services, including our amazing Rosh Hashana dinner!​
No fee for Services /Dinner, and no prior affiliation or experience required (a lot is in English) but please let us know you will be joining us so that we can best accommodate you.
High Holidays Schedule
Rosh Hashana Schedule:
Wednesday, October 2nd
Evening Services: 7:00PM
Thursday, October 3rd
Morning Services: 9:30AM
Mincha: 5:00PM
Shofar in the Park: 5:45PM
Tashlich: 6:15PM
Evening Service: 7:30PM (followed by "Big Tzimmes Dinner")
Friday, October 4th
Morning Services: 9:30AM
Mincha: 6:45PM
Yom Kippur Schedule:​
Friday, October 11th
Kol Nidrei Services: 6:45PM
Shabbos, October 12th
Morning Services: 9:30AM
Mincha Services: 5:00PM
Neilah Services: 6:15PM
"Bagel-Break-The-Fast": 7:45PM